A HOL-Light Library for Vectors of Complex Numbers

Sanaz Khan Afshar and Vincent Aravantinos

(Hardware Verification Group, Concordia University)


Despite the rich libraries on complex numbers and real vector analysis, no concrete work has been developed on the formalization of complex vector analysis. In many engineering problems, the unknown parameters are complex-valued vectors and, often, the task of the system designer is to find the values of these complex parameters which optimize a chosen criterion function. Examples of areas include optics[1], electric circuits[2], telecommunications[3], acoustics[4], control theory[5], and electrostatics[6].

Therefore, we tackle the formalization of complex vector analysis. This is done using the HOL-Light theorem prover since it already has good support for complex number arithmetic and a general notion of vector.

Vectors of N elements of a set S are defined as functions from [1..N] to S: i.e. a vector V is actually a function that takes a number between 1 and N and returns the element corresponding to that value. In HOL-Light, this is written as lambda i.V where V is the expression (generally containing i) that allows to compute the value of the ith element. For instance, the null vector is formalized by lambda i.0 (note that this is the null vector of integers; the null vector of real numbers is formalized by lambda i.&0, and the null vector of complex numbers by lambda i.Cx(&0)1). The vector containing 1 as its first element, 2 as its second element, and so forth, is formalized by lambda i.i. Any expression can be used as V, e.g. the vector for which the ith element contains i2 is lambda i.i*i. The ith element of a vector v can be retrieved using the notation v$i. For instance, if v is lambda i.i*i, then v$1=1, v$2=4, etc. This allows us to define addition, negation, subtraction, and scalar multiplication – which are necessary to formalize complex vector spaces – as presented in Table 1.

Those definitions are fairly standard and one might wonder how this differs from, say, the corresponding definitions for real vectors. To answer this wonder, it is important to notice that HOL-Light only provides the type of vectors and the operations lambda and &, but it does not provide any algebraic operations nor properties about vectors. Otherwise stated: we have vectors but we do not have any properties about them. The reason is that the vectors in HOL-Light are vectors of any type (i.e. integers, real numbers, etc.). But the algebraic properties of vectors depend strongly on the type of their elements (e.g. every vector of real numbers has an inverse with respect to vector addition, which is not the case of vectors of natural numbers). Consequently the properties of real vectors are not the same as the ones of complex vectors, for instance. This is why, even though a library of real vector analysis already exists, we need to develop our own library of complex vectors.

In particular, the general notion of vector which is provided in HOL-Light does not denote, in general, elements of a vector space (contrarily to what their name suggests). Namely, vectors in HOL-Light are just functions from [1..N] to a set S. Whereas a vector space is a set S together with a field F and two binary operators that satisfy eight axioms [7]. Consequently, we need to prove that taking the field of complex for F and the above addition and scalar multiplication for the two binary operators indeed satisfy the corresponding axioms. Those are listed in Table 2 and have all been formalized and proved in HOL-Light.

We also developed a simple algorithm which is able to prove various basic results about complex vectors in an automatized way. This algorithm is able to prove all the above eight axioms, plus many other basic but useful facts.

Cross and Dot Product

The cross product and the dot product are frequently used in vector analysis. In particular, in the analysis of optical devices, the electric field, magnetic field and the wavevector are all orthogonal and related by the cross product. In HOL-Light, we called the cross product ccross (generally, all the notions for complex vectors are given the same name as their real counterparts, with a 'c', for "complex"); Table 3 shows its formal definition and some of its basic properties which we developed in HOL-Light.

In order to formalize the derivation of functions of complex-valued vectors, we will also need the concept of norm (which is needed to define limits and differentiation). We define norms using the definition of dot product, written cdot in HOL-Light. Table 4 gives the formal definition of cdot and some of its major properties, that we all proved in HOL-Light. At first we defined dot product over complex vectors with size N but, in our context, only dimension three is useful. Thus we developed all definitions and theorems in this dimension which greatly simplifies the formal development of the theory. Finally we formally defined the concepts of orthogonality and collinearity between two complex vectors.

1 Cx is the function that injects R into C, i.e. it turns a real number x into the corresponding complex number on the real line.


[1] M. Born, E. Wolf, and A. B. Bhatia. Principles of Optics: Electromagnetic Theory of Propagation, Interference and Diffraction of Light. Cambridge University Press, 2002.

[2] F.J. Gonzalez-Vazquez. The differentiation of functions of conjugate complex variables: application to power network analysis. IEEE Transactions on Education, pages 286–291, 1988.

[3] N. A. Golias, T.V. Yioultsis, and T.D. Tsiboukis. Vector complex eigenmode analysis of microwave cavities. Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, IEE Proceedings, pages 457–461, 1995.

[4] D. Havelock, S. Kuwano, and M. Vorlander. Handbook of signal processing in acoustics. Springer, 2008.

[5] A. Hjorungnes, D. Gesbert, and D.P. Palomar. Unified theory of complex-valued matrix differentiation. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, pages III–345 –III–348, 2007.

[6] B. M. Kolundzija and A. R. Djordjevic. Electromagnetic modelling of composite metallic and dielectric structures. Artech House, 2002.

[7] J. C. Tallack. Introduction to vector analysis. Cambridge University Press, 1970.