(******************************************************************) (* Probabilistic Analysis of DFTs in IN HOL4 *) (* *) (* Copyright 2018, Yassmeen Elderhalli *) (* *) (* Contact: y_elderh@encs.concordia.ca *) (* *) (******************************************************************) INSTALLATION: Requirement: HOL4 "Kanaskis" 12, polyml 5.7 1) Download "Required-Theories.zip" This archive contains some required theories including - The extreal, measure and probability theories developed by Tarek Mhamdi for extended real datatypes - The lebesgue measure theory and some other theories ported (from HOL light and Isablle/HOL) by Mohamed Qasim - The PIE_EXTREAL theory developed by Waqar Ahmad 2) Download "DFT-Thoeries.zip" This archive contains: - integration_before_afterScript.sml which has the Pr (X < Y /\ Y <=t) and Pr (X < Y /\ X <=t) - DFT_Gates_de_PROBScript.sml which has the definitions of the gates, their probabilities and the simplification theorems - WCSPScript.sml which has the probabilistic behavior for the Warm and Cold spare gates. - Holmakefile which is required to include the path for the "Required-Theories" directory, the path in the file should be changed to point to the path of the "required-Theories" directory 3) run Holmake to build the theories in the Required-Theories and DFT-Theories directories 4) Below are the names of the definitions and theorems that correspond to the definitions, lemmas and theorems in the paper: --------------------Identity Elements Definitions------------------------- Always element: ALWAYS_def Never element: NEVER_def ----------------------- Operators Definitions----------------------------- Before operator: D_BEFORE_def Simultaneous operator: D_SIMULT_def Inclusive Before operator: D_INCLUSIVE_BEFORE_def --------------------------Gates Definitions------------------------------- AND gate: D_AND_def OR gate: D_OR_def Priority AND gate: P_AND_def Functional dependency gate: FDEP_def Hot spare gate (HSP): HSP_def Cold spare gate (CSP): CSP_def Warm spare gate (WSP): WSP_def shared spare gate: shared_spare_def --------------------Definitions, Lemmas and Theorems in Paper-------------- Definition 4.1: DFT_event_def Definition 4.4: rv_gt0_ninfty_def Definition 4.5: All_distinct_events_def Definition 4.6: distributed_def Definition 4.7: den_gt0_ninfty_def Definition 4.8: cond_density_def Lemma 4.1: AND_INTER Lemma 4.2: OR_UNION Lemma 4.3: indicator_of_indicator_after Lemma 4.4: after_set_BIGUNION_Q Lemma 4.5: after_set_BIGUNION_IN_MESURABLE_SETS Lemma 4.6: after_set_IN_MEASURABLE_SETS_PAIR_lborel Lemma 4.7: lemma3_indicator_mul_after Lemma 4.8: DFT_event_AFTER_PREIMAGE_GT0 Lemma 4.9: indicator_of_indicator_before Lemma 4.10: BEFORE_PREIMAGE_event_GT0 Lemma 4.11: CSP_PREIMAGE_event_GT0 Lemma 4.12: CSP_indicator_of_indicator Lemma 4.13: WSP_DFT_event Theorem 3.1: PAND_DEF2 Theorem 3.2: FDEP_OR Theorem 3.3: HSP_AND Theorem 4.1: CDF_prob_DFT_event Theorem 4.2: PROB_AND Theorem 4.3: PROB_OR Theorem 4.4: PROB_DFT_AFTER Theorem 4.5: PROB_DFT_BEFORE Theorem 4.6: distribution_lebesgue_thm2_pos_fn Theorem 4.7: MEASURE_SPACE_BIGUNION_Q Theorem 4.8: prob_CSP Theorem 4.9: prob_WSP Theorem 4.10: cond_density_joint_marginal Theorem 4.11: prob_joint_density_iterated_integrals Theorem 4.12: prob_joint_conditional_density