Technical Report
Functional Verification of the RCMP Egress Routing Logic
M. Palanisamy and S. Tahar
The project deals with the functional verification of the RCMP Egress
Routing Logic using both simulation and model checking . In an ATM network,
the RCMP Egress routing logic finds application in a network port interface
for an ATM switch fabric. Initially, simulations were done on the available
behavioural level VHDL design and the equivalent Verilog design using Synopsys-VSS
and Verilog-XL. After that, symbolic model checking was carried out on
the BLIF-synthesizable Verilog code using VIS(Verification Interacting
with Synthesis) tool. From both simulation and model checking, one design
error leading the system to a hang-up state was detected and corrected.
The model checking of the Egress logic in VIS was done in a reasonable
CPU time.