The setup involves installing the following required software tools and libraries on your computer : - Mathematica 9.0. - Eclipse SDK version 3.5.2. - Ocaml 3.09.0 and HOL Light related to this version of Ocaml. - XML-Light 2.0. Additional requirement : - Copy the link to JLINK (JLink.jar) in the directory where Mathematica is installed (Path_to_Wolfram_directory/Wolfram/Mathematica/9.0/SystemFiles/JLink) - Update the JLink.jar in the Java application "". In our implementation, we use the OpenMath-Mathematica phrasebook proposed by Caprotti et al. [1,2] : * Open Eclipse. * Go to the "Refrenced Libraries" in the "Package Explorer" panel in Eclispe. * Click on the JLink.jar and paste the new path of the JLink jar file. - Generate a Runnable Jar file of the Whole Java application : * Go to buttom "File" in the eclispe tool. * Do the following : Export -> java -> Runnable JAR file ->select the path of your directory -> finish. - Update the path for the Jar file of the Java application in the "" in your HOL Light directory. To compile these files: 1) Extract the Zip files : "" in you HOL Light directory. 2) Start HOL Light, i.e., cd to your HOL Light directory, start ocaml, and load the file "": > cd /hol/light/directory > ocaml Objective Caml version 3.09.0 # #use "";; Remark: this should take a couple of minutes. 2) From inside the HOL Light session, load the following: # #use "";; 3) Running Examples, load the following: # call_mathematica "(x pow 2) + x + &1 > (x pow 2) + x + &2 " "Simplify";; # call_mathematica "diff ((sin x + x - (cos x) + (x pow 2)), x)" "Simplify";; # call_mathematica "int ((x pow 2 + x - &1), x)" "Simplify";; # call_mathematica "(x pow 2) + x + &1 > (x pow 2) + x + &2 " "Simplify";; # call_mathematica "x pow 3 + &2 * (x pow 2) + x " "Factor";; # call_mathematica "x pow 2 - &1 = &0" "Solve";; References [1] O. Caprotti, A. M. Cohen, and M. Riem. JAVA Phrasebooks for Computer Algebra and Automated Deduction. SIGSAM Bulltin, 34:33–37, 2000. [2] Source Code of the Phrasebook Mathematica-OpenMath.