


APEX Telescope Receiver Module

The Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX) is a single dish (12-metre diameter) telescope for millimeter and sub-millimeter astronomy, which operates since its first inauguration in 2005. One of the main modules of the APEX is the Swedish Heterodyne Facility Instrument (SHeFI) receiver which was installed in 2008. We utilized the formalization of Gaussian beams and quasi-optical systems to verify the magification of one module of the SHeFI receiver.

Fabry Perot Resonator with Fiber-Rod Lens

Due to diverse applications of the FP resonators, different architectures have been proposed in the open literature. Recently, a state-of-the-art FP core architecture has been proposed which overcomes the limitations of existing FP resonators. As a direct application of our framework, we verify the stability of constriants of this architrecture.

Fabry Perot Resonator with Spherical Mirrors

Fabry Perot resonators usually consist of two plane mirrors separated by a certain distance. But this architecture is divergent due to plane mirrors. In our application, we consider an architecture which consists of two spherical mirrors and used in many applications such as optical networks and bio-sensing.

Z-Shaped Resonator

Z-Shaped optical resonators are mostly used in self model locking in lasers. Here, we analyze the most general architecture which consists of two plane mirror and two spherical mirrors


Concordia University