Formal Analysis of Gaussian Optical Systems in HOL
In the last few decades, optics and laser technology has been increasingly used in the main
stream industrial and research domains such as terrestrial telescopes, biomedical devices
and optical communication. The modeling and analysis of such systems is mainly based on the abstraction
of light waves, i.e., rays, Gaussian beams or electromagnetic waves.
In this project, we propose to use
higher-order-logic theorem proving to improve the analysis of Gaussian optical systems which
are based on the notion of Gaussuan Beams. In particular,
we extend the existing formalization of geometrical optics by the formal specification and
verification of the properties of the Gaussian beams in HOL Light theorem prover.
In order to demonstrate the effectiveness and use of our work, we present the formal modeling of
generalized qausi-optical systems along with the verification of the
generic theorems about the Gaussian beam parameters such as beam width radius.
Furthermore, we present a case study of the receiver module of the real-world
Atacama Pathfinder Experiment
APEX telescope.